In a Nutshell:

The Omega Serenity and Omega Skyline are striking and unusual massage chairs with a surprising number of therapeutic benefits for their price. Recommended for hobbyists and people who suffer from chronic back pain, especially in the lumbar region.

Overall Massage Quality
Customization options
Ease of Use
Value for the Money

Overall Rating



  • Offers features not typically found in chairs at its price point
  • Performs specific massage functions very well
  • Good value for the price


  • No leg massage ports
  • Limited massage functionality due to S-Track design
  • Over-reliance on vibration-style massage
  • Timer is hard-capped at twenty minutes, with no customization options available
Omega Serenity Massage Chair

Recommended For: Hobbyists and people who suffer from chronic back pain, especially in the lumbar region.

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Do you suffer from chronic lower back pain?

Are you interested in a massage chair that blends in seamlessly with your home’s existing déco and can provide robust therapeutic benefits but won’t cost you an arm and a leg?

If you answered yes, then you’re going to be intrigued by our combined review of the Omega Serenity Relaxation massage chair and its sister chair, the Omega Skyline massage chair. As you’ll see below, they offer a surprising number of therapeutic benefits for a reasonable price and contain more than a few surprises.

Let’s take a closer look at what makes these chairs stand out from the rest.

Omega Serenity Massage Chair - Chair Institute
Omega Serenity Relaxation Massage Chair

Omega Serenity & Omega Skyline Massage Chairs Overview

These chairs are somewhat difficult to classify for several reasons. They’re too expensive to be considered budget chairs but not expensive or feature-rich enough to be considered mid-range products. They occupy their own space in the market. There’s nothing else quite like them.

Omega Skyline Massage Chair - Chair Institute

The most logical place to start where these products are concerned is the aesthetic. At first glance, you can’t tell that either model is a massage chair. They both appear to be just another sleek, stylish piece of the living room or office furniture, a fairly common feature in Omega massage chairs.

This is a huge plus for many people who are drawn to the idea of owning a massage chair but worried that it might take over whatever room it is placed in and be a bit of an eyesore.

That’s not the case here. Unless it’s actively in use and giving a massage, most people will have no idea that there’s much more to the chair than first meets the eye. If that’s important to you, then the Omega Serenity and Omega Skyline will earn points right off the bat.

Looks aren’t everything, however. If the chair doesn’t deliver a solid massage experience, then it’s not going to do you much good, so let’s take a deeper look under the hood to see what this model has to offer.

Omega Serenity Relaxation Massage Chair Features

Before we get into the features themselves, it’s important to note the reason why we’re not actually doing a separate Omega Skyline Zero Gravity massage chair review. The reason is that aside from the Skyline model not having a swivel base, the two models have exactly one, extremely minor difference when it comes to features, as outlined in the table below:

Omega Massage Chair Models

Omega Serenity Massage Chair Compare - Chair Institute

 Omega Serenity Massage Chair

Omega Skyline Massage Chair Compare - Chair Institute

Omega Skyline Massage Chair

Swivel Base

Air Massage

Number of Airbags


Vibration Massage 

Lumbar Kneading Massage

Full Body Heat

MP3 Support

✓, but with restrictions

Available Colors

White, Brown, BlackBrown, Black

Swivel Base

This isn’t so much a feature as it is an unusual design perk. Not many massage chairs swivel. Those that do tend to swivel in a less than sixty-degree range. The Omega Serenity is unique in that it can swivel a full 360 degrees. This is a small detail but well worth mentioning, as it adds to the overall aesthetic appeal of the chair.

Note that, as mentioned previously, the Omega Skyline massage chair does not have a swivel base and has a slightly different design aesthetic and will understandably appeal to a different segment of the market because of that.

Air Massage Mode

The Omega Serenity massage chair and its sister chair, the Skyline, contain seven airbags used to deliver three pre-programmed compression-style air massages that you can adjust to three different intensity levels.

Some people might scoff at the low number of airbags the chair has to offer, but bear in mind that both of these models were designed using Second Generation Airbag Technology. Those seven airbags can deliver a massage that is every bit the equal of, and often superior to the air massage you can get from an older chair that uses First Generation Technology and significantly more airbags.

Omega Serenity Massage Chair Airbag - Chair Institute

The flexibility provided by three different auto-programs combined with three different intensity levels gives you an excellent range of options in Air Massage Mode alone, to say nothing of the chair’s other features.

Vibration Massage

Many users say they prefer a vibration-style massage because it helps improve blood flow in a way that kneading or percussion-style massages don’t. If you’re a fan, then you’ll be pleased to know that the Omega Serenity massage chair offers three different pre-programmed vibration massages, and three different intensity levels, allowing for some degree of customization.

Lumbar Massage

Omega Serenity Massage Chair Recline - Chair Institute

The best way to describe this feature would be to say that the Serenity utilizes a “miniature S-Track” focused on the lumbar region. This track allows its quad rollers to follow the natural curvature of your body’s spine, but only in the area of the lower back.

Combined with the Zero-G seating that we will detail later on, the result is a kneading-style lower back massage of much higher quality than you’d expect from a chair in this price range. Even better, while just a single, twenty-minute massage program is offered, it can be adjusted to three different levels of intensity, allowing you to customize the experience.

Full Body Heat

This is another stand-out feature offered by both the Serenity and the Skyline. Heat is not a feature you can find on many chairs in this price range; when you do find it, it’s almost always centered only in the lumbar area of the chair.

The fact that these models offer full body heat is nothing short of remarkable. Given the therapeutic value of heat, plus massage, we hope to start seeing this in many other chairs now that the Omega Serenity and Skyline have blazed the trail.

The only drawback in its implementation is that there’s no way to control the level of the heat provided. One setting is all you get. It’s either on, or it’s off.

Zero-Gravity Seating

If you’ve read other Omega Serenity massage chair reviews online, then you’ve probably noticed that most of them draw particular attention to this feature, and with good reason. Zero-G seating positions are one of the most popular, sought-after attributes of a massage chair.

It’s a great feature, and there aren’t many chairs in this price range that offer Zero-G seating, which is a big plus in both the Serenity and the Skyline’s favor. True, they only offer a single Zero-G seating position, but you’ll have to pay twice as much to get two or even three.

Omega Skyline Massage Chair Recline - Chair Institute

The thing that makes Zero-G seating so attractive is the fact that it reclines the user such that the knees are above the heart; thus, more of the body weight presses down against the rollers, allowing the chair to give a deeper, more penetrating, and ultimately more therapeutic massage.

In the case of the Serenity & Skyline, the lumbar, vibration, and air massage modes are made significantly better by the Zero-G option. It’s indeed a nice bit of synergy that improves the overall experience.

MP3 Support

The Omega Serenity massage chair comes with a USB port, a 1Gig jump drive, and headphones, allowing you to load all your favorite songs onto the drive, put on your headphones, and relax into the chair as you enjoy a soothing massage with music to go with it.

Omega Serenity Massage Chair MP3 Support - Chair Institute

Little extras like these tend to be the first things that get cut when paring down the feature set of lower-priced chairs, so kudos to Omega for keeping it here. It makes for a nice touch.

Here is the one point of differentiation between the two models, though. For reasons unknown, while the Omega Skyline massage chair offers MP3 support in exactly the same way, in the user manual, you’ll see that using this feature comes with a warning.

The manual warns against using the music function while the chair is in vibration mode because of possible interference. This seems very strange, given that the chairs are identical in every respect, so there’s no reason why interference should be an issue in one model but not the other.

Omega Serenity Massage Chair Remote - Chair Institute

Simple, Streamlined Remote

The remote, stored in one of the chair arms when not in use, is pure simplicity. It contains just fourteen brightly colored and clearly labeled buttons, allowing even a complete novice to sit in the chair and start enjoying a quality massage right away.

Omega Serenity Massage Chair Pros & Cons

As we said earlier, the Omega Serenity & Skyline massage chairs are unusual product. They don’t neatly fit into the product ecosystem, offering some features you’d never expect to see in a chair in its price range while curiously leaving others off entirely. For instance:

  • The chairs do not have leg massage ports at all.
  • As good as the kneading roller massage is in the lumbar area, the S-Track doesn’t allow the rollers to massage the rest of the back.
  • Given the above, there tends to be an over-reliance on the vibration-style massage, which is fine if you like that, but can leave you feeling short-changed if you don’t.
  • The timer is hard-capped at twenty minutes, with no customization options available.

While some of these aren’t necessarily deal breakers, it does mean that these chairs are narrowly focused and won’t appeal to a broad cross-section of the market. On the other hand, what the Serenity & Skyline do, they do very well, so if you find their collection of features appealing, you’ll love both of these chairs.

Omega Serenity Massage Chair Reviews Conclusion

At the end of the day, it seems clear that the Omega Serenity & Skyline was designed to appeal to three distinct groups:

  • People on a budget who want a good, basic massage and don’t need an overabundance of options, flexibility, or control;
  • Individuals who suffer from chronic lower back pain and are looking for maximum therapeutic benefit for the money spent;
  • And people for whom aesthetics matter at least as much as performance and who are looking for a well-priced massage chair that gets the job done but doesn’t stick out like a sore thumb.

If you fall into any of these three groups, you will love this chair. If you don’t, or if your needs and preferences lie in other directions, this won’t be a good fit for you.

Of the two, the Skyline is cheaper, and if you don’t mind the limitation that the chair does not swivel and that you can’t listen to music while getting a vibration massage, that’s the way to go from a purely money-saving perspective.

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