In a Nutshell:

A great-looking chair that blends well with any home décor and provides a solid amount of therapeutic benefit, the Human Touch HT 7120 is highly recommended for hobbyists and those who suffer from chronic lower back and/or leg and foot pain.

Overall Massage Quality
Customization options
Ease of Use
Value for the Money
Brand Reliability*

Overall Rating

* Brand Reliability is a measure of the strength and longevity of the brand, which by extension, is a measure of the level of support you can expect.


  • Offering a superb basic massage and maximum pain relief
  • Potential for adding MP3 player support at nominal cost
  • Provides excellent massage experience
  • Improvement with Zero-G seating


  • Lacks space-saving technology
  • 170-degree maximum recline may not be sufficient for all users
Human Touch 7120 Massage Chair

Recommended For: Hobbyists and those who suffer from chronic lower back and/or leg and foot pain.

Check Latest Price

Unfortunately, this product is currently available. Check out other massage chairs by Human Touch.

Are you interested in a high-quality massage chair that doesn’t stick out in your home like a sore thumb?

Do you want more than just a hobbyist-level chair, that offers substantial therapeutic benefits?

If you answered yes to either of those questions, you’re going to love the review of the HT 7120, just below. We’ll examine all its features in detail to help you decide whether it’s the right chair for you. Let’s get started!

Human Touch HT 7120 Massage Chair Overview

All the Human Touch 7120 reviews on the web invariably start with aesthetics. There’s a good reason for that.

Human Touch has built their entire reputation around designing feature-rich massage chairs that don’t look like massage chairs but serve as a beautiful addition to any living room. Thanks to some clever engineering by Human Touch designers. To see our reviews of their other massage chairs, click here.

The HT 7120 is a wonder to look at. When not in use, you’d be hard pressed to recognize it as anything but a stylish recliner. While not a feature per se, that kind of styling just has to be mentioned!

​Features of the HT 7120 Massage Chair

S-Track Design

The Human Touch HT-7120 robotic massage chair is built around an S-Track, which guides the movement of the quad rollers, ensuring that they follow the natural curvature of the spine to deliver the best quality massage results.

The quad rollers are an important, if at this point, a standard feature in chairs priced in the mid-range like this one because they closely mimic the movements and the feeling of human hands on your back and shoulders.

​Swivel Seat

HT 7120 Human Touch Massage Chair Review Swivel - Chair Institute

This is a minor feature of convenience, but notable because so few chairs offer it, and the ones that do are almost always other Human Touch models. This particular model swivels from side to side, up to thirty degrees.

Not as much as some of the company’s other models, but certainly enough to allow you to shift around while you’re getting your massage if you need to reach out and get something nearby.

170-Degree Maximum Recline

It’s a mystery why this doesn’t get more of a mention in other Human Touch 7120 massage chair reviews on the web, but we like the feature very much and think it deserves a special mention.

When fully reclined, you’re only ten degrees from lying flat on your back, just like you would when getting a massage at a chiropractor’s office. Similar to the effect of a zero-gravity seating position, the body weight helps intensify a massage by pressing the back more firmly against the rollers. An excellent addition!

Full Body Stretch

The Human Touch 7120 massage chair includes a full-body stretch feature. That’s noteworthy for two reasons. First, because it is yet another addition to the chair aimed at providing maximum therapeutic benefit to users, and second, because so few mid-range massage recliners for home have it.

HT 7120 Human Touch Massage Chair Review Recline - Chair Institute

To use the full body stretch feature, simply recline the chair entirely, and press the button.

The airbags in the leg ports will execute a series of grab and release motions that have the effect of stretching your spine completely. This removes pressure from compressed discs, increases blood flow and provides immediate pain relief.  An excellent way to start (or finish) your massage!

​Adjustable Rollers

This is a feature that people tend to have divided opinions on. If you’re a fan of automation and convenience, then you’re not going to like Human Touch’s method of roller adjustment. If you’re a bit of a do-it-yourselfer, then Human Touch’s approach will be something you’ll appreciate.

Most massage chairs in the mid-range have 3D Body Scanning Technology. Before a massage starts, these chairs scan the back and adjust their rollers to connect better with the user’s pressure points.

HT 7120 Human Touch Massage Chair Review Width Adjust - Chair Institute

The HT 7120 has a roller adjustment feature too, but it’s manual and can be accessed via the chair’s remote. You can slide the rollers up or down, and adjust the width of the massage field so that they mesh perfectly with your body shape and pressure areas.

The automation of 3D body scan is helpful, but sometimes the technology gets it wrong. You never do, because you know where it hurts, which is why the manual approach is seen as superior, even if it takes a bit of manual fine-tuning.

Plenty of Customization Options

The HT 7120 massage chair sticks to the basics where massage techniques are concerned. While it’s possible to find massage chairs in this price range that offer more advanced techniques like Swedish and Shiatsu massage, here’s what you get with the HT 7120:

HT 7120 Human Touch Massage Chair Review Remote - Chair Institute
  • Rolling
  • Kneading + Percussion

The chair also comes with three programmed massage routines that run for fifteen minutes each. Of course, you can select your own combination of features and design a completely customized massage experience at your leisure.

In addition to this, the chair offers two different roller speeds and seven different massage intensity settings. This gives you a staggering number of permutations to work with when designing your own custom experience.

​Zone Massage

Our Human Touch HT-7120 review would not be complete if we didn’t give this feature a special mention.

When the rollers hit an especially sensitive/sore spot during a massage, simply press the “Zone” button on the remote. This will alert the rollers to focus on the spot in a six-inch radius from where they were when the button was pressed.

This is another excellent addition to the chair designed to provide maximum therapeutic benefit. While it’s true that the HT 7120 is not capable of a true deep tissue massage, many of its features work together to provide a result that’s functionally similar, and this is certainly one of those.

HT 7120 Human Touch Massage Chair Review Lumbar Heat - Chair Institute

Lumbar Heat

This is a central feature in mid-range and top-tier chairs, and another one added to the Human Touch HT 7120 with chronic pain sufferers in mind.

The heating element controls are entirely separate from the massage function, so you can opt to enjoy a massage with or without heat at your preference, and can control the intensity of the heat from the remote.

Few things can match the pain relief offered by the combination of penetrating heat, plus a great massage.

Hide-Away Ottoman

One of the hallmark features of Human Touch chairs. The company pioneered this innovation in a bid to design chairs that blend in seamlessly with any home décor.

HT 7120 Human Touch Massage Chair Review Ottoman - Chair Institute

If there’s a single aspect of a massage chair that you can point to that makes it stand out from the rest of your furniture, it would be the leg massage ports. Good thing, Human Touch designs their ottomans such that when not in use, they fold in on itself, hiding the leg massage ports from sight. A brilliant innovation that does much to improve the look of the chair.

If the ottoman had one failing on this model, it is the fact that it does not include a leg extension feature. So, if you’re taller than six feet, this chair won’t give you an optimal massage.

Foot and Calf Massage

Another great feature added with chronic pain sufferers in mind—and Human Touch does foot and calf massage better than anyone in the business.

HT 7120 Human Touch Massage Chair Review Calf Massage - Chair Institute

Although there are airbags in the leg massage ports, the actual calf massage is rendered by the company’s patented “Figure-8 Paddle System” which is widely seen as delivering a superior result. The airbags are used for the full body stretch feature, mentioned above.

Note that although there is no leg extension feature, you can adjust the position of the air bags and paddles, in order to maximize the quality of your massage.

​Pros & Cons of the Human Touch HT 7120

As you can see, the Human Touch 7120 is loaded with features. The company went the extra mile here, offering a chair that can render a superb, basic massage and provide maximum pain relief to those who suffer from chronic pain.

That said, there are a few things it could have improved on or missed from the current design. Note that none of the negatives are deal breakers. These are simply observations that, in our view, would have made the chair even better.

  • MP3 player support – A minor feature, indeed, but from a convenience standpoint, this would be a great addition and could be done at a nominal cost.
  • Space-Saving Technology – This is a surprising omission. Human Touch goes out of their way to design chairs that blend in seamlessly with any home, and are designed for home use. Given that space is an issue for many people, it seems strange that the chair was not built along space-saving lines.
  • Zero-Gravity Seating – The 170-degree maximum recline is great for body stretching, but in terms of further improving the massage experience, this would have been a fantastic addition.

​Human Touch HT 7120 Review Conclusion

We’ve tried to be as thorough as possible in our Human Touch HT 7120 review to paint a complete picture of everything this excellent massage chair has to offer.

In the end, we can say that the HT 7120 massage chair truly appeals to a broad market. Everyone from casual, hobbyist users to those who suffer from chronic back and leg pain would like this chair. Loaded with high impact features, this chair represents an excellent value for the money, and is highly recommended.

However, if you’re looking for a chair that offers advanced massage techniques, you might want to extend your budget and check higher models. 

Recommended Reading

Omega Aires Massage Chair Review

Our evaluation centered on the Omega Aires recommends this massage chair for hobbyists and chronic pain sufferers.

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